About Us

“It is not the bruises on the body that hurt. It is the wounds of the heart and the scars on the mind.”
Aisha Mirza

At Clear Minds Full Hearts, our mission is to be a premier resource for increasing access to athlete mental health care. We believe athletes are at their best, on and off the field, when their minds are free from stressors. Therefore, we are here as a bridge, connecting athletes to the quality mental health care they deserve.

As we push to give athletes excellent care, we are diligent in verifying only the best providers in the field join the directory. We value providers who are understanding when it comes to the lifestyle of an athlete, as well as those who have empathy for the unique hardships athletes face.

We know many barriers exist when it comes to accessing quality mental health care for athletes, and our hope is that this platform will make that access just a little bit easier.

Let us help you reach your goals.